
Final Exercise Reports

This exercise was developed by the Australian Government, in conjunction with AHA. The overarching Program aim was to improve participants’ understanding of the emergency response systems that are in place for introduced marine pests, and to develop appropriate skills and experience to contribute to an emergency marine pest situation through the delivery of two exercise components.

Learn more. 

This exercise was a discussion exercise based on a fictional outbreak of viral ganglioneuritis in abalone in Tasmania. The exercise was held in Launceston with the support of the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment and industry.


This exercise was an international functional exercise held to test the International Animal Health Emergency Reserve (IAHER) agreement, which allows signatory countries to share government personnel in the event of an EAD outbreak.

Participates included the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, Agriculture Victoria, Australian wool industry and farming organisations, and Animal Health Australia.

The exercise was delivered virtually with no field activities conducted.

This exercise was a functional exercise based on a fictional outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Western Australia. This was an extension of the same scenario used for Exercise Odysseus and Exercise Slapstick. The aim of the exercise was to assess the preparedness of the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia’s preparedness to a major biosecurity incident.

A hybrid exercise for the National Biosecurity Response Team (comprising of elements from functional and discussion-based exercises) which explored how post-border biosecurity responses located in a Commonwealth place, with operations extending into the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales, would be managed.

This exercise was based on a fictional outbreak of FMD in Queensland, with the aim of practicing the application of FMD vaccination strategy, policy and procedures for a specific scenario in south east Queensland.

This exercise was a program of more than 40 activities conducted in 2014–15 by the Australian Government, state and territory governments, livestock and allied industries and AHA. The program assessed aspects of Australia’s preparedness to implement a national livestock standstill in response to an outbreak of FMD. The RRT participated in regional exercises held in Victoria, discussion exercises in Queensland, and in the Victorian state-level exercise in Melbourne.

This exercise was a professional development activity aimed at enhancing the RRT members’ knowledge and application of contemporary control/coordination centre functions, using a workshop format based on an FMD scenario.

This exercise simulated a response to an outbreak of clinical bluetongue disease in South Australia.